How long should I leave the light on?

fish fever

Please help! I just started the tank and so far no algae problem and I don't want to create one by leaving the light on for too long. So, how long should I leave the tank light on each day? We don't have a lot of sunlight during the day, just a little nature light from a window about 15 feet away from the tank.


Active Member
8-10-12 hours a day... if you have lower light you can get by leaving the lights on longer.


oK. Well, what time should the lights be left on and turned off or does it matter? If you have a basic FOWLR tank then why would you want the lights left on during the day? What benefit does that provide for the tank? I would think that you would only want the lights on for a FOWLR when you are awake.
Originally Posted by ReefNut
8-10-12 hours a day... if you have lower light you can get by leaving the lights on longer.


Active Member
The fish need a normal day and night... they can come on anytime... like 12 noon to 10pm or whatever.

fish fever

Thanks, everyone. I just started to cycle my tank. No fish, only live rock and live sand. I don't want to start an algae problem by leaving the light on for too long.