how long to acclimate a cleaner shrimp?


Active Member
i acclimated him for 3 hrs yesterday... and today no sign of him.... this is my second atempt! i don't know what the hell i'm doing wrong, my water quality is great.... any tips/suggestions?


Active Member
How are you acclimating it? I get best results drip acclimating. Check your tank for copper if you use tap water or if you ever used any meds inyour tank. What kind of fish do you have? Couldve been someones dinner? It could also be hiding. When I added mine in, I didnt see it for 3-4 days. It may have molted and hid until it recovers.


I agree with ^ my blood shrimp love to stay hid until dinner time anyway,then they still like to stay in the dark caves.See how close he stays to his hideout!


Active Member
true i'll keep an update, never ran any meds and i use an ro unit.. i also use the drip method, i hope he is hiding!
i have a yellow goby, clown goby two percs, hippo all small.....


Active Member
I just pour out about 1/2 or so of the bagged watter, and slowly drip in water right from the tank until it gets to about double, then dump about half of that water out and drip in more water from the tank, until it again reaches double the amount. I float the bag in the tank while I do this. Once the bagged shrimp has been done two times like this, I dump out just about all of the water in the bag and for the final time allow it to drip in the bag one more time, and then just allow the shrimp out of the bag........Total acclimatin may take about 1 hour tops, and I have yet to loose any shrimp. The local fish store, simply takes the big bag of shrimp they get in and float the bags, sample SG and if its even close just do a temp drip or water added......I had always been paranoid as I have always heard they were pretty fussy as to how they were acclimized, but from the shrimp I have done they don't seem hard at all and its relatively fast and easy.