How long to rid tank of Ich?


How long does it take to get any remnants of ich out of the main tank. The fish have been removed for treatment and I want to make sure there are no "leftovers" before they go home.
I have LR and Live DSB.
(I've searched this site but couldn't find a definitive answer)


Active Member
I had the same problem (ich plague) and lost all my fish. Anyway this is what i did afterwards with great results.
1) Buy a cleaner shrimp(make sure to acclimate well)
2) Wait 6 weeks(buy corals if you get bored)
3) Buy and QT a tough fish.(false perc,firefish,...)
4) If your new fish does well slowly QT and add more.
5) Don't overstock and stick to peaceful species.(thus reducing stress)
6) Have friends over to see your healthy fish!!!!


Active Member
It is possible for ich to survive in the absence of fish for up to 6 weeks. I would not add anything. Even if there has never been any fish in the lfs coral system, maybe a net that's been in the fish system has.