How long will it take


So my xenia red sea pom pom has three stalks and one detached on the side of the rock, i told mom i would give her that one. So i put a rock next to the that stalk ( i was told he would climb up) How long will it take for him to climb up on it? Any experience with this?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MissNano
So my xenia red sea pom pom has three stalks and one detached on the side of the rock, i told mom i would give her that one. So i put a rock next to the that stalk ( i was told he would climb up) How long will it take for him to climb up on it? Any experience with this?

Lots of experience...Angle the rock the xenia is on.. almost sideways, put the rock you want it to climb on right next and just above it, even touching the stalk. In maybe two days it will begin to climb. when it is all the way on the rock remove the stalk on the new rock and give it to Mom.


Active Member
You dont have to wait at all. You can do as others suggested and place th rock so that it is touching the Xenia. As soon as the Xenia as attached to the rock, take a razor blade and cut the Xenia leaving part on the new rock. The part will grow into a full Xenia.
The qucikest way which would give your mother some Xenia as soon as your done reading this is to take a sharp razor blade or pair of scissors and cut off one of the stalks, the remaining section will grow back. Then take the section you cut off and place it on a piece of rock. The best way to attach it to the rock is by covering it with a piece of netting and hold the netting in place with a rubber band, this is the easiest ad best way. You can also just use a rubber band to hold the piece of Xenia to the rock, this way is tricky.


Like this, flower? I figure if this dont work in a couple days then i will result to the other suggestion.


Active Member
As long as that rock is leaning against and touching the Xenia, it will move onto it.The only thing is that the whole thing will leave the rock that it is on and then you will have less on it. If you were to cut the Xenia, both Pieces will grow into full size Corals. Either way will work though.


Active Member
It will problably attatch in 3 or 4 days but I would leave it on for a week. You will see in a few days that the stalks will be sticking out through the netting. When it comes time to remove the netting, just lightly massgae the Xenia with your finger tips and they will shrivel up, thus allowing you to remove the netting. Then just place the Xenia wherever you want. When you do remove the netting, try not to take the Xenia out of the water, this way it wont get as stressed out. And dont be alarmed if you smell a strong odor while doing so. that is normal for Xenia.