How long will ocellaris clown fight?


i just bought one...but it is similar in size with the one im having in the tank.thats the standard size of clown fishes here...currently they are fighting...and im worried it might kill long will it take for this thing to be over? :help:


if they are the same size, they might quarrel for a long time. i would keep an eye on it for a few days or even a week and if things dont die down, i would try and take him back to your LFS and see if you can get a smaller clown IMO. ive kept ocelaris together a bunch of times, sometimes they would fight for days and sometimes things would be great. it really depends i guess.


Active Member
IMO bring both of the clowns back and take 2 clowns from the same tank. and try to get the biggest and smallest they have even if its not much. because the clown youve had has already set up ots territory so its guarding it. when you introduce both at the same time they will usualy only fight for a day or less. when i got mine from the LFS they were about 1/16 inch difference in size and they didnt fight at all. so thats what i would say to do. just ask the LFS if you can swap them


i took one back and found a smaller they are doing very well, my question it normal for a clown fish to have a mole?mine has it..