Granny, Hello there to you and your friend and I no idea who is the oldest for I not been at many sites so who knows.
I guess you know that this hobby was more in bloom in Germany and so then it was here in the states? And I also forget the name of the Asian who build the first sump and this was after the skimmer came out I think for the thing be, I know of these things that happen so long ago, but I not remember the year.
I honestly don`t remember many dates. Is why when my reef tank completed that I will keep a writing record on when what coral or fish was added.
The tanks in which was here then were build quite differ from what was in the 60`s and 70`s as well today. And I know of the that back then one could done better then some Marine Science Museum for which it all depends much on how quick one learns as well in making any adjustments following a lost for back then people who did over stocked did suffer heavy losses and that it not took as long for something terrible to happen to which with the filtration people today think that they can add more and more fish to their tanks.
I did for the first 20 years in the hobby not lived far from the beach and my dad thought that it was crazy for it wasn't I think until the 60`s sometime that salt mix became available and again im not sure of the date, for all I know it was in the late 50`s.
Granny, I am not surprised for the success you had back then for it only proves that if one wants to be as successful, they must make what adjustments be needed in order to do so in which you had much patients in doing this.
I had picked my time to when it were that I start a reef tank back then for I seen so many young people come into the hobby in my first 25-30 years and had giving up because they had no success whatsoever for his what we see today, people want right away a tank loaded with fish swimming around.
Things had become quite more easier for myself when skimmers did come out and aquarium salts for perhaps you know about the books in which started coming out at your LFS that they had little to no information at all. and cost was from $5.95 to $12.95 and very few books then over $15. That those few books started to surf in like around the late 60`, and 70`s.
Granny, when like my reef tanks become ready, I tell Jeff that I like not to have tank raised species and he gives me this because I will do all my best for whatever species I have. For its the same for me with clams, I rather have fish or coral, etc.
That was with not other hobbyists, even that people said that tank raised claims will have a better chance of success, I believe this to be a miff for some people I believed they rush to much in having this ocean in their homes in which is why many become overcome by a serious of problems.
Like perhaps you Granny can confirm that what info one was able to find was little if any and I have to guess at most that even your LFS were lacking knowledge. Soon I will have a book in which cost $200 and it is info on eels in which has much info in which I been looking for, for decades on end. It lists a good number of internal infections I not know of and much more, I am worried however if this book will deliver much of what's in its index.
Nevertheless, I have to believe that it be worth the cost, even if the book delivers 3/4 of detailed information in its index. I know that at this date of time in my life, why should I spend more then $200 for some book and at my age? Also I returned the book that I bought, because Jeff had wanted to surprised me with this book and being that I bought it he then told me and so when it arrived here I had UPS return it.
Jeff knows that I am always looking for new books with detailed information and that it not matters on the cost. Eels however had been my main gig through all those years and it wasn't until 3.5-4 years ago that I made a decision that I will only have for the remaining part of life time, these eels and reef tanks.
From what I do remember, carbon was out for sometime before a skimmer and even with sea water I started a 55 gal tank for water changes and I remember for some time I only ran carbon but this was however when aquarium salt became available and I remember many saying that I was nuts doing so.
And one last thing, being that I am keeping only eel and reef tanks now, I maintain a salinity of 1.026 in all my tanks as well as when the temporarily Qt/Hospital tank, in which after the reef tanks are completed in stocking that then the 40 will as well be a small reef tank.
I am glad to see that I am not the only old timer in this such enjoying hobby :joy:
To fit in one posting, I had to cut down on the the words.