How long without food?


I have a three striped damsel and a yellow tailed damsel. I have to leave them for a week. They are in a 29gal without any live rock. There is algae building up but it's not live rock. How long can the fish go without me feeding them?


4 days it would be OK, I don't think I'd chance more than 5 though. You can buy an automatic feeder, or have a neighbor come in mid week.


Try buying a automatic feeder. I won't leave those fish without food for that long a period. Maybe 2 days but not a week. Automatic feeder is less than $20.


New Member
Another thought would be to veggie clip some food on there and let them graze. If your damsels aren't too picky, they will accept the sheets of green algae. You can get these at your LFS, and it might be a cheaper alternative to an auto-feeder. Hope that helps!


Active Member
Auto feeder :yes: An algae sheet would degrade quickly and possibly result in an ammonia spike, IMO.
If you are having trouble "setting" the auto feeder - go for less food rather than more. Don't want issues why you are away.
Are you having anyone come in to top off the tank once?


I added a little extra fresh water to help blance an the evaporation. I will get a couple of multi day feeders.


Active Member
Hold on - we are talking different things.
Want to be clear: NOT THE FEEDER BLOCKS. THose are not for saltwater.
Just an automatic, battery operated feeder. I think I even saw one at walmart. Just put some flake food in there, adjust it for a small amount of food, and let it go.


Got back today. I left the tank from last Friday at about 12pm until today at about 1PM. My water level dropped 1" (in a 29gal), specific gravity went up from 1.021 to 1.024. All my levels were normal, ph went down a tiny bit. I had my light on a timer and thats about it. The fish looked fine, not skinny at all. I have the temp at about 79º. I probably should have decreased it to 75º to slow the evaporation and also the fish's metabolism.