How low?


How low can the salinity be for cleaner shrimp and other inverts? I thinking of getting cleaner shrimp to help with my ick problem. Also how fast/slow should I bring the salinity up?


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp wouldn't be a good idea. They wouldn't be able to handle the low salinity. Also they probably wouldn't really help much with the ich.
As far as bringing the salinity back up you should do it slowly. Most bring the salinity up slowly over a period of a few days to a week.


The only acceptable level for salinity to rid of ick is 1.009. However inverts and corals can not go this low. Set up at QT and QT the sick fish. If you have ick in your main tank, the ick will only rid itself with a hostless (fishless) tank. This is why a Qt is a must.