how many anemone ??


if you have 4 clownfish how many anemones would you need to host them? thinkin of gettin 2 allard clowns and to perculas..any suggestions or opionions would be great


Active Member
How large is your tank? There is always a gamble with getting 2 anenomes for the same tank.. Some people have good luck and some people start to have issues. The problem is, anenomes can detect one anothers presence in a tank weather or not they are near eachother. If they decide to act on the notion that they dont want another in the tank with them it could get ugly. But, even if they dont move to eachother and fight they could still start a biological war between them. They can release harmful toxins in the water to warn other anenomes that their presence is detected and is not liked. These toxins are very very harmful to your fish. Carbon bags are highly recomended even with one anenome. If the anenome has split then your chances of them tolerating each other are alot higher.
Having said all that my opinion would be one anenome for each pair.