How many are too many


New Member
I have a 65 gal with 55 lbs of live rock. It's been up a couple of weeks and is doing well. I have a couple of clowns to cycle it. How many fish can I put in this size tank? Does the clean up crew (crabs, snails, shrimp etc) add to the fish count?
PS How small can you go on a nano tank?


PLEASE take the fish and other living creatures out of the tank until the tank is completely cycled. Please just keep testing your tank until cycle is over. Then add fish and other creatures to your tank. Notice, I'm begging you.


You did not mention if the tank is cycled. The new cycle method is with
live rock wich I did not adhere to. I would reframe from addding any creatures 'till you know if the tank is cycled. Keep an eye on your water
for now and you should be fine..

30-xtra high

Active Member
kayak, i know what you're sayin, but he said its been up for a cupl weeks, cycle only takes bout a month, he might have just made the deadline., and blazin, i hope they're all the same type of clown cause if they aren't, consider them dead now.


New Member
The tank is cycled. The clown fish are the same species. Amonia and Nitrate are both zero. I am new to the hobbie and the pet shop recommended cycling the tank with live rock and a protien skimmer.


New Member
The tank is through it's cycle. Ammonia and Nitrate is zero. Clowns are of the same species. The pet store recommended live rock with a protien skimmer. Is this wrong? They also recommended the fish. Judging by all of your reactions this is wrong. If so, some helpful information would be great.


Originally Posted by Blazinbruno
The tank is through it's cycle. Ammonia and Nitrate is zero. Clowns are of the same species. The pet store recommended live rock with a protien skimmer. Is this wrong? They also recommended the fish. Judging by all of your reactions this is wrong. If so, some helpful information would be great.
did you test your tank throughout these past couple weeks since you started to watch for the cycle spikes?
First off: Sorry to jump the gun, but I have seen a lot of fish cycling posts lately and I jumped... I apologize for that, because not everyone is the same.
If you have watched the tank's cycle spikes and already went through the diatom phase, then those two clowns, since they are the same species, should be just fine.
Back to the main question. I have heard if you take the maximum size of the fish in inches, and 1 inch = 6 gallons than you have a total of (in your case) 65/6 gallons = almost 11 inches of fully grown fish. Take your clowns max size and subtract that to give you how many inches of fully grown fish you have left to place in your tank.
For instance, right now I have a 75 gallon with a flame angel and 2 green chromis. thats 75/6 = 12.5 inches of fish.
The flame angels max size is roughly 4
The 2 green chromis is roughly 2
12.5 - 4 - 2*2 = 4.5 inches of max size fish allowable in my tank.
The cleaner crew doesn't add to your fish count but youdon't want to put too many in there because if there isn't enough detritus or other such food that they depend on they will starve. Slowly adding a cleaner crew is the safest way to go because once they keep the tank stable instead of totally clean is your best bet at keeping a happy little cleaner crew.
Nano tank, I've seen a lfs have one that is less than a half gallon, and it shocked me, but nano tanks from my readings seem to be hard to maintain because of the evaporation factor which changes the specific gravity and thus hurting the creatures in the tank.
I hope this helps.