I have a Four Wheel Drive (Twinspot) Goby that burrowed under one rock for a few weeks, then burrowed under another and divided his time between his two homes--spending a night or two in one place, spending the next night or two in the other, etc. Yesterday he decided on another piece of real estate in my tank and spent the night in that burrow. All of the other burrows are still intact, but I guess he just feels the need to have multiple homes, being the rockstar that he is. Oh, and I guess I should add that he is the first and only fish in the tank (that will probably change this weekend--boy, is he in for a rude awakening!), so he's not being harassed by any other critters (unless my snails are bullying him when I'm not looking).
Is this normal behavior for these fish?!
Is this normal behavior for these fish?!