How many clown fish can I have....


Right now in my tank I have 2 anemones with clown fish, 1 puffer, 1 cucumber, and 8 damsels, can I eventually get more clown fish or do I have to get more anemones too?
I have a 220 gallon tank.


Active Member
Well anenomes dont need clown fish and visa versa.. so you really dont need any. Whats more important is your tank inhabitants getting along with eachother. So if you have on clown hosting one anenome and you place another clown in there, first it should be larger than the one that is in there, and second it's recomended that you keep the species the same. Clown fish to clown fish, ocellais to ocellaris etc. etc. Also if you are going to go with more than one in the tank its also best to keep even numbers.IMO Territorial battles are not out of the question seeing as though you already have 8 damsels in the tank. The recomended proceedure for adding damsels is to add them last as everone else would be established already.


My damsels where there first to cycle the least that is what the fish dude called it....we had 13 and now we have 8 left...I have heard so many negative things about damsels, when they go we will not be bringing any more in. I'm, not getting anything new for awhile, but I would like to eventually get some Pink Skunk Clownfish, they are real pretty. would that be ok with the 2 I currently have?


Active Member
I think they will be fine... IMO Damsels being used to cycle a tank is not a good idea. A piece of raw shrimp will do the same job and you can stock your tank with what you want after its cycled. Most people take the damsels out and turn them back in to the FS after their cycle.. just an unessesary step when there is an eaiser solution.


Active Member
I agree with Dark. I do realize though that people get conflicting information from stores and other sites - so it is not entirely someones fault when they take the advise of a LFS. Although, if you are getting into the hobby it is your fault for not doing the proper research - if done you would know not to cycle with animals. Just read up on the hobby before diving right in and purchasing a setup and hundreds of dollars worth of stuff - it will save YOU money in the long run and most importantly will SAVE the lives of the animals you are trying to care for.


what type of clowns do you have in the tank right now?
Mixing clowns can be a bad idea, but in a big tank like this I am sure everyone can choose their own territory or anemone and defend itself when incroached (sp?) upon. Maroons tend to be more aggresive than some other clowns so I would advise against them for territorial reasons.


Lex, I totally agree with you and usually when I do adopt an animal I do research it...but unfortunately giving into my husbands wants and impulses, I explained to the Fish Dude that we knew nothing about here I am and have hoped that he would help guide me a little bit, especially since he set up my tank and recommended the damsels. I did buy two books and haunt the boards here...I have learned a few things, and will not be buying anything new for my tank for a while.
MeLee - I have a typical "nemo" sorry can't think of the proper name, and a gold stripe..I would really like to get some Pink Skunk Clownfish or some other "nemos"
BTW, I will not be returning any of the damsels, I think that is just wrong, unless of course they were in harms way.
Thanks for your input I really do appreciate it!