How many clowns in a tank?


How many clownfish of the same species can be housed in a 55 gallon tank? I plan to add a bubble tipped anemone and two or more clowns, either perculas or clark's. These will be small, aquacultured fish. Would it be best to only add two, or do they get along in small groups?
Also, I am using 3x 40 T5 floursents. I have a metal halide light available, but don't use it now (nothing in the tank needs high intensity light). Will the bubble tipped anemone do better with the metal halide?
I have a 62 (a tall version of a standard 55) reef tank that houses gulf-coast native fish (sargent majors, mollies, pup fish, and blennies), inverts (rock anemones, oysters, gorgonians, hermit crabs, shrimp), jetty rock and sand.


Active Member
No more than 2 IMO. If you have three or more, two will pair up when matured and may kill off the rest.
Yes, the BTA will do better with the MH.