How many crabs?


New Member
I have a 75 gallon aquarium with live rock and 6 damsels and 1 tang fish in it right now. I have only had my tank set up for 2 weeks but the water must be ok cause the fish are fine. How many invertabrates should I have in the tank? Like how many crabs and shrimp and cleaner fish?


Slow down, slow down. You need to test the water, just becuse the fish seem fine doesn't mean they are. Please provide much more info about your tank, and how long you have had a salt water tank. I just checked all the other post you made since you logged on to this site. PLEASE, get a book or two on this hobby and read, read, read. You are asking questions here but the wrong ones, you are moving way too fast. Your tank is not ready for inverts, coral, live plants, and you shouldn't have a tang either. If you have live sand and the right amount of live roc k your tank may have cycled but since you haven't tested the water, who knows....For a young less than a month old tank you need to slow down and be very, very patient. Sorry to be blunt but your headed for a major tragedy.


did you cycle your tank w/lr if so you should have tested your water before you even added any fish. especially the tang they should only be added to a well established tank because they are very prone to ick and lateral line disease and any extra stress will cause this. the main things that you should test for are ph, salinity, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. also u need to slow down a bit a good rule to follow w/ salt water is add 1-2 fish then wait a couple of weeks to add another 1 or 2 fish because each time u add someting u increase your bio load and your tanks actually needs to catch up. as far as inverts some snails or crabs for clean up, cleaner shrimps are great. but corals and anemones should be put off for at least 6 mths or more before even considered they need a stable enviroment and the 1st year of a tank can have a lot of ups and downs. hopes that helps ;)