How many damsels to one tank?


I started a salt water tank in December 2002. The guy at the LFS suggested I buy 6 damsels to cycle my tank. I now have 6 damsels and two turbo snails and two hermit crabs.
My tank is fully cycled and I didn't lose any of my damsels. I was wondering if they could be over crowded? Thye have a lot of hiding places, but I would like to get some other fish.
Please let me know,


I started my tank in Nov. and I also started with damsels. You are going to hear it from everyone else that you should take the damsels back and get credit for them. I agree. They become very agressive and territorial and have stressed more than one fish in my tank unmercifully. I am going to catch them all and take them back on my next trip. I don't know how big your tank is so I can't commit on the overcrowding issue if I decide you can't part with the little buggers.


get rid of the damsels while you can. I made the mistake of keeping them in my firstsw tank. Neeedless to say I had to remove about 70 lbs of lr to get the damn things out. never again. Irecently cycled my new reef with a pair of chromis that will stay in the tank. They are much more peaceful and less territorial, good luck though, ricky


Depends on your tank size. I'm also with every one else, lose the damsels. I almost lost my two true percs I bought because of a five stripe, aggressive little sucker. They will dislike all inhabitabts you introduce.


Active Member
I ave two yellow tail blue damsels and a clown fish and they live peacefully with eachother and their hiding spots. Although the bad reputation, if you play the cards right and take a slight gamble than you may turn out alright (like meeeeeee, the one who posts a million problems)