How many Emeralds for Algae Control?


I have a 55 Gallon - About 75lb of Live Rock. I use an RO Unit and do 10 percent water changes a week but, I'm starting to have a hair Algae problem. I have green and red growing and was told Emeralds are one of the best ways to control it.
My current Clean-up Crew consists of 2 Peppermint Shrimp, 10 Blue Legs, 2 Scarlets (3 have been eaten by the blue legs), Anywhere from 10-15 Turbos (blue legs got some of them).
I was going to get from the site another 10 Blue Legs, 10 Turbos, 20 of the Sand Snails and some Emerald Crabs. I was going to get 3 of them - Will this help make the dent or am I wanting to get perhaps 5? Or less and get 1-2? I am not sure...
I was thinking of adding a Lawnmower Blenny... Do they stay relatively small? I have 2 Clarkiis, 6-Line, Blue Hippo Tang (Size of 50 Cent peice) in there now.
Anyone have experience with the Lawnmower in terms of how well it cleans the rocks?
Any help on this matter is appreciated I want to nip it in the butt before it gets out of control.
Also I am told phospate pads are good as well? Is that a route I want to take as well?


My phos-sponge didn't do squat.My lawnmower has done amazing work and fortunatley he also eats everything else I feed my tank.However, this is not usually the case so to prevent your lmb from starving to death try to give him other prepared foods &/or Nori seaweed while he still has the hair algae.Good luck, IMO they are way cool cool and have great personalities!


I've got 4 Emerald's in a 55 and they help keep it spotless. I would never get another blue leg. Scarlett's do just as good a job and are far less aggressive.