how many fish can i add?


New Member
i just found a better home for my true percs and i am starting over. i have a 25 gallon hex tank. its fish only. i want alot of color so i'm gonna go the damsel route. about how many can i put in this tank? i wanna go with the bright blue ones and the blue ones with the yellow tails. any other suggestions? i know i can only put maybe 3-4 fish in this tank cuz its small. can you suggest? ty :p


since now u can post links you will have alot of info which ones to get from then go to live aquaria and browse through and see what you want as there are many more pretty and small fish then damsels and damsels is the route i took in my 55 and i dont regret it as many think there are to aggressive which they are but i dont think they will or can harm a fish more than little nips of there fins which might be stresful for the other fish but i dont think it will lead to death


oh or your question many say 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons but i say 1 inch per 3 and many will agree with me but many will go against me


Active Member
just to elaborate a bit, joe is right, in a fish only i would not add more than one inch of fish per 5 gallons, but if you have a good bio filter(enough lr and a dsb), you can go to 1 inch per 3 or sometimes even2 gallons, if you go slow
a fo would mean that the clowns getting 3 inches long would be 6 inches, but if you have good bio filter, maybe green chromi, they are cool, colorful and active, and our percs do not bother them(you could add 2 or maybe 3 to a fowlr+dsb but that wuold be pushing )
HTH and good luck


Active Member
and joe was right again, for info, i go there too, they have compatibility charts, fish info such as feeding and habits and max size, nad i have found only good info (so far) from them


If it were me and the tank had some LR i would add a royal gramma or a 6-line wrasse. They are both inexpensive and stay small. They are also colorful!