Reef or FOWLR, I'm going to assume the latter. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If so, I would stay away from triggers and butterflies.
Originally Posted by dewear
My 125 gallon tank is about ready for fish and I want to get some Hardy fish because it is a school tank and Money is a great concern. I personally love the Clownfish but understand that you can only keep one type in a tank. I did hear that you can introduce them at the same time with success. My question is how many of these types can you have in a 125 gallon tank. If anyone has idea on number of each or order I should add to the tank. I want to do this smart and not overload the Biological load and keep them happy.
Here is my wish list-
Black and White Percula Clown
Gold Stipe Maroon Clown Will eventually beat on your other clowns. Maroons are one of the most aggressive species of clowns.
False Percula Clown There is no such thing as a false percula, it's OCELLARIS and you can not keep a Percula an Ocellaris AND a Maroon, you're asking for a fight to the death.
Naso Tang It will eventually outgrow your tank. I have a 155 6' long and I know mine will eventually outgrow the tank. Naso's grow very large, they're one of the larger species of tangs.
Yellow Tang
Coral Beauty or Flame Angelfish You could even do both. They may fight for a few days, but they'll get over themselves. I have both and they're beautiful
Copperband Butterfly
Pearscale Butterfly
Foxface Rabbitfish
Humu Humu Trigger
I think your stocklist is a little heavy for a 125 to be completely honest with you. Think about replacing the Naso with a smaller tang like a Kole or Tomini (sometimes called Bristletooths) or even the Convict Tang.
2 clowns (of the same species)
1 or 2 dwarf angels (the Flame and the Coral Beauty work because they have different body types, they're both very hardy also)
1 Butterfly
1 Small Tang (Kole, Tomini, Yellow, Convict, Scopus)
1 Foxface
**You could do two tangs or two foxface or two butterflies, but then don't add the other larger fish. Ex: 2 Butterflies, no foxface or tang)
Goby? (a sand sifter if you're going to have a substrate bottom)
Blenny? (Midas blennies have a ton of character and add color)