How many fish can I have


New Member
Hi Guys 1st post on here.
Read the forum all the time so decided to sign up

Ok so tank has been running 2 month now
720 litres 6'6"x2x2 190 us gallon
100kg Live rock, eheim pro 3 for mechanical filtration, uv, 3x Koralia power heads, and skimmer.
I have a baby Picasso, baby Niger, Lip stick tang, LARGE Maroon clown, Emperor Angel Juvie but just starting to change colour and a cleaner wrasse.
Lots of hermits bout 15Basically wondered how many other fish I would be able to keep
Was thinking maybe a trio of Yellow tangs a dwarf angel and large wrasse of some kind?
I would really like to put a Clown trigger in as the last fish, but I have heard bad reviews but then seen people on you tube who keep them in community tanks and have asked people who say they are no bother?
Any of you guys any experience.
Anyway thats the fish I have and im open to suggestions, Nice colorful fish is where im aiming, I would like a Volitans but not sure where it would fit in with this tank.


New Member
Yes sorry I thought id been thorough

FOWLR as i say the external is for mechanical filtration carbon etc

crypt keeper

Active Member
The niger will grow very fast. Give these fish sometime to grow and see where you are at in 6 months. Id say 1 more fish would be okay. Lion wont work with a picasso. Id say a wrasse or maybe dwarf angel.


Well-Known Member

Time for a good fish book, may I suggest the is a great book.. I posted a page so you can see the kind of info it offers.
I find the captive care, and min tank and adult fish size... the most useful and needed info.



why not try a puffer in there? Dogface or porky? They are lovely fish, mostly in front of glass and also when there big, they look amazing!


New Member
been thinkin bout a puffer i use to have a mbu fresh water puffer when i was tropical and i miss him i must admit! I reckon i can easily have another 3fish tbh. I did buy a good book when i was in the states it had a recommended set up for my size tank. Had same kind of fish as mine. In the eheim i have live rock rubble, ceramic tubes and a sh*t load of carbon which i will be changing regularly. Plus the white filter wool. All levels zero including nitrate. However i understand this will creep up i also do 50 litre water change per week


New Member
been thinkin bout a puffer i use to have a mbu fresh water puffer when i was tropical and i miss him i must admit! I reckon i can easily have another 3fish tbh. I did buy a good book when i was in the states it had a recommended set up for my size tank. Had same kind of fish as mine. In the eheim i have live rock rubble, ceramic tubes and a sh*t load of carbon which i will be changing regularly. Plus the white filter wool. All levels zero including nitrate. However i understand this will creep up i also do 50 litre water change per week