How many fish can I keep in a 20?


Active Member
list the fish and you're filtration. I have 6 or so in my 29g.... but most produce little waste (low bioload) and are bottom dwellers, also, major filtration.


Active Member
I've got a fluval 304 on my tank with 8 fish...and i'm overstocked. But it's been that way for about a year


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I've got a fluval 304 on my tank with 8 fish...and i'm overstocked. But it's been that way for about a year
wat fish do u have, cause i have a 24 gallon wit 5 fish, and im not sure wat u exactly call the filtration i got, but i have a jaubert cavity, and i think its a wet and dry trickle thingy. im pretty sure im over stocked too, i have two clowns, a valentini puffer, a coral beauty and a six line wrasse, but my tanks about a year old too and ive never had any problems, like high ammonia and stuff that u usually get from overstocking.


I would have a skilter filter rated up 55 gallons.
2 perc clownfish
1 firefish
1 randals shrimp goby
1 clown goby
1 bicolor blenny