how many fish can i put in my tank???


I have a Yellow Tang a Blue Tang a Corral Beauty and 3 damsels how many more fish can (should) i put in my tank without the water getting messed up????


You have a 29 gallon tank. You need to get rid of everything except the angel fish and maybe a few damsels. Tangs need tanks 6'+ to live healthy lives.


That means they need a tank six feet long, or preferably longer. These are fish that constantly swim throughout the day in the wild, and those needs cannot be met in a tank under that size. Now, if you got rid of those two, (and if it were me, the damsels would go to, they grow up to be real

if they aren't now already), then you could have maybe around 2-3 small, fish. You need to do some more reseach, as it's apparant that you haven't based on your last fish choices.


what do u think would happen if i kept them because i have no one to give them to and my pet store doesnt take in fish and i have nothing to do with them and i was planning on adding maybe 2-3 periccula clown fish in there or maybe a moorish idol what do u think i should do?


Active Member
You have way too many fish as it is, i wouldnt be surprised of the tangs get ich and die in such a small tank. You can only have 2 clowns per tank (and they have to be the same kind) if u put 3 in one would end up gettin killed. 1/100 morish idol will live past a year in a home aquarium, which is normally a tank with at least 400 lbs of live rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
what are u talking about lol ?
he means say u have things w/o actual pics to prove so


Or did you just join to get the boards in an uproar over your fish selection, etc? I guess not, I apologize. But your tank is going to eventually crash with the amount of fish you have in there.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
You have way too many fish as it is, i wouldnt be surprised of the tangs get ich and die in such a small tank. You can only have 2 per tank (and they have to be the same kind) if u put 3 in one would end up gettin killed. 1/100 morish idol will live past a year in a home aquarium, which is normally a tank with at least 400 lbs of live rock.
thanks but why can u only have 2 of the same kind of tang why cant they be different kind?


Originally Posted by Torno
Or did you just join to get the boards in an uproar over your fish selection, etc? I guess not, I apologize. But your tank is going to eventually crash with the amount of fish you have in there.

so what should i do then????? and in what way is it going to crash?


Active Member
Sorry, i meant only 2 clowns per tank. If theres more they will fight to the death until theres only a pair left.


Active Member
Theres too much of a bioload in your tank, which will make it crash, and most likely kill everything. How long has the tank been set up with all those fish?


FORCE your LFS to take back the tangs. Tell them your tank is overstocked and they are going to die if they don't. Hell, bag them up, throw them on the counter and run out if you have to.
When you have as many fish as you do in such a small tank, the beneficial bacteria that converts their waste to nitrite, then nitrate, can't keep up. Your going to find yourself with a buildup of ammonia because your bacteria can't support the load.
Tangs need tanks in the 90 gallon range. Please try to research the fish you plan on buying in the future. It'll save you a lot of trouble and future problems.


i just got my blue tang the day after christmas and i had all the other fish before that but with all the fish prob about 4 months with everything except the blue tang prob abot 6 - 8 months


Originally Posted by Torno
FORCE your LFS to take back the tangs. Tell them your tank is overstocked and they are going to die if they don't. Hell, bag them up, throw them on the counter and run out if you have to.
When you have as many fish as you do in such a small tank, the beneficial bacteria that converts their waste to nitrite, then nitrate, can't keep up. Your going to find yourself with a buildup of ammonia because your bacteria can't support the load.
Tangs need tanks in the 90 gallon range. Please try to research the fish you plan on buying in the future. It'll save you a lot of trouble and future problems.

thanks a lot ill try to make the store take them back i hope they do now


Originally Posted by fedukeford
IMO tangs need 6' of swimming space, so unless you have a 6 foot 29 gallon get rid of them

im gonna try really hard to get rid of them but idk whats gonna happen if the store doesnt take them back


I know how you feel having a small tank, and wanting to get the big, nice, colorful fish. But the thing is, you need to stay within your (and the fish's) limits. Trust me, I learned the hard way too. I've lost fish for this reason as well.
Don't be discouraged though. You can make a beautiful tank out of a 29 gallon using small gobys, clowns, your dwarf angel, some feather dusters, etc. You can add all different kinds of snails and crabs. Just plleaase do your research. Impulse buys almost always end in death and disappointment.