How many fish for my 90 g. reef?

reef dude

My 90 gallon reef has been setup and running great for about 4 months now. I just water tested yesterday and everything is perfect. I currently have: 2 true percula clowns, 3 firefish gobies, and 1 pink tip haitian.
My big question is, about how many more fish would be able to go in my tank. Obviously it depends what kind and how big but heres a few that i would like to get.....
-Royal Gramma
-Achilles/Powder Blue tang/hippo tang(1 or 2 of them)
-sixline wrasse
-longnose hawk
Also, i know it is said to add fish every 3-4 weeks while stocking a tank. However, if i add a small royal gramma in a 90 gallon tank, and all the water params are great within like 2 weeks, can i add more without waiting another week or two??


Active Member
The basic rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water. All of those fish sound ok to add to your tank, if you decide to get two tangs make sure you have lots of live rock because they like it a lot. I think you could be able to add another fish after the gramma within 2 weeks, since the grammas are pretty small I don't think it would hurt to add another fish closely after it.

reef dude

ok so were talking about 18 inches of fish then? , and what about inverts?? how do they go as far as how many are comfortable in one tank. I would like to get a feather duster and some shrimp and stuff like that. Could i add like a feather duster and a fish at once?
As for the tangs, i do have plenty of rock.
Im going to the local fish store tomorow, hopefully to get something, if so, what order would you add those fish in? smallest to largest?
uu could prob get the royal gramma and longnose hawk the same day.but a warning hawks have a very bad rep with killing hermits almost for fun.and the sixline will pick one ur firegobies(which i love very much) and the gramma.also u could add the feather duster on the same day as the 2 tangs.get an chilles tang they are awesome fish or 3 convicts and that should be enough.also a rule on cleaner shrimps a rule i heard was 1 every 10-20 gallon so work off that and snail 1 every 3-5 gallon get turbo snails they are awesome cleaners..get like 10 peppermint shrimp 2 emeralds,couple sand sifter stars,5 fighting conchs, 30 or more hermits, but remember certain rules dont apply to everyones tank because they are all very different but most of the time they will

reef dude

so i could add 2 tangs on the same day?? pretty much so one of them wouldnt get territorial and kill the other one?
so if i go to the store tomorow, i wanna get something that wont hide alot, any suggestions?? bangaii cardinals? are they compatible with tangs and such?
cardinals hide the first few day, mine did for 3 days but they are one top and infront not sure about tangs but the convicts wont they school around.i still never felt comfortable about 2 tang(other than convicts0 in the same tank in almost any situation. i fear they will whip out those spur things on their side and shred each other into fillets

david s

as far as 2 tangs at the same time I wouldnt do it and when you put your tang in last because of a stress factor you really want tangs to have the least amount of stress possible as far as a long nose hawk and hermits it must be hit or miss because mine is fine with the little guys

reef dude

well i just got a royal gramma and a yellow wrasse from the LFS.
i Hope they do well, the guy said that they would both be perfect for a reef
any opinons?