how many fish in a 55 gal tank



I am new to salt water, I have a 55 gal tank. What is a reasonable number of fish for this size of a tank. (tangs, clowns, etc.)


I would say that if it were going to be a fish only tank then you would be safe with about 25 inches of fish. That is 1 inch of fish for every 2 gallons of water. I wouldnt put any tangs in a tank this size because they need alot of room to swim. I would get a pair of percula clowns, they are always fun to watch and they are fairly hardy fish. I would stick to smaller fish (about 3 inches). Just my opinion. It also depends on what you have for filtration, and if the bio load with be capable of handling that many fish.
i have heard time and time again that the rule is one inch per every five gallons of tank. like jsolomon said in his post, he mentioned 1 inch per 2 gallons in a FO. i honestly dont know if it makes a difference in a FO tank. just keep in mind your fish will eventually grow so you have to condider their max size when buying your fish. good luck! :D


Active Member
Whoa !!!!
Since you are new to the hobby .. I would not go with 25 inches of fish.
That could be TEN 2-1/2" fish in a 55 - no way.
A good number for a beginner to start with IMO would be maybe 2-3 two inch fish, not all added at once. Then as you gain experience, consider adding an additional fish or two down the road.
A lot more to it than just inches per gallon out of the gate.