How many fish in a 75 if .....


New Member
I plan on getting a 75 in a couple of weeks. I'll put in about 125 pounds of LR and do plan on putting in some corals and such over time. About how many total fish would you put in and what kind of ratio for open water vs more rockbound or hiders. I'll be sure to leave some open sandy areas in the tank, too:) Thanks.


Rule of thumb says that you are allowed 15"s of fish in a 75. But it really depends on your filtration and type of fish. IMO, a flame Angel would be a nice fish to have in a 75. Along with a couple Percula Clowns, Lawn Mower Blenny, Maybe a neon Dottieback. Clown Gobies are pretty cool too, maybe 2 of those as well. Hope this helps.


New Member
It helps alot, thanks. From the little I have read, I would like to consider a tang or two to eat algae. That purple / yellow tail tang , a flame angel, a pair of clowns and one or two other swould be really eye ctaching:)
I plan on running a refegium if thgat lets me hold an extra fish or two eventually, all the better:) Thx again.


I have had a 75 gal reef tank for over a year. I will be ordering my 150 this week.
Personally I would not have a tank with out tangs In my 75 I have a blue hippo tang and an achilles tang also there is a fox face a couple of clowns a sand sifting gobie and a ton of corals with about 110lbs of Live Rock. good luck


New Member
Originally Posted by Greg803
I have had a 75 gal reef tank for over a year. I will be ordering my 150 this week.
Personally I would not have a tank with out tangs In my 75 I have a blue hippo tang and an achilles tang also there is a fox face a couple of clowns a sand sifting gobie and a ton of corals with about 110lbs of Live Rock. good luck

Greg - does your Achilles Tang eat hair algae or other kinds? I have an over abundance of hair algae and need a good eater. I have had recommended to me a yellow eyed tang, but haven't found one yet.


My tangs eat everything. doesnt matter if its green its gone. I have never had hair but from what I have heard and seen I am sure most tangs will help with that problem