How Many Fish in QT? - Beth/Terry?


Active Member
Hi Guys,
I have a Royal Gramma in my QT at the moment from a few days ago which I have jsut bought and am just monitoring. However, I have an outbreak of Flatworms (well epidemic really), and I have heard that a sixline wrasse loves to chomp on them. COuld i QT that at same time as RG? Also do I have to monitor it for full 3 weeks, by then my house will be filled with flatworm! :(
Looking forward to your help!


Staff member
You really should only QT 1 fish at the time. Otherwise you defeat half the pupose of QT. Which is to provide the new fish with a stress free environment.
What makes you think you have flatworms? What do they look like?


Active Member
Hi Beth,
Sammystingray and Kipass4130 identified them in the Reef Forum, see a couple of my posts there.
OK would it be worth running the risk of not QT'ing a new fish to combat this problem? Could you recommend a fish that eats them? I have heard some kind of wrasse, and also sea slugs or nudibranchs? Any thoughts oh wise one? :D
Also just another side point, my tank was set up in August last year but in Dec I did a 80% water change etc due to major spike, would I say that mny tank was set up in Dec or August? The substrate is different, the water is different (RO/DI), i added live rock and changed lighting, surely to all intents and purposes a new tank?
Thanks again for your time Beth,


Staff member
Yeah, I read the other thread. How in the world did you get so many flatworms???
Sorry, I don't have experience with this type of problem so I can't advise you. Risk is Risk as far as not QTing a fish.
Sounds like right now you h have 3 fish, 1 in QT and 2 in the tank, including a tang? How big is the tang?


Active Member
Hi Beth,
Well thats exactly my question!!! How on earth did one get in?!? I cant find much info on the web on them either, perhaps Terry has an idea? They have multiplied to masses within a week. Scary stuff.
Yes I have 3 fish, RG in QT at the mo. The Yellow Tang is medium I would say, 3" from head to tail perhaps?
Thanks again,


Staff member
Flatworms are in the aquaria. I have them myself. However, not to the point of taking over the tank. I see one occassionally.
Hopefully, Terry has some advise here.