How many fish is to many?


I have a 75 gallon tank. I currently have a powder blue tang, huma huma, tomato clown, perc clown, rainbow wrasse and a blue damsel.... oh yeah and an anemone. How many more fish if any can I put in the tank and any suggestions on a good fish to put in? I was thinking a blue hippo but I wasn't sure on the compatability with the powder blue tang. The huma huma is fine with the other fish except the neon dottyback that he ate.
Also I'm running a Eheim 2217 that a good one? And should I be using my UV filter? My LFS told me that it wasn't necessary. Thanks!


alright you have way too many fish in that tank. get rid of the tang and if you really want a tang get a kole tang. the blue needs at least 100 gallons. everything else is fine, but no more fish unless you want to get rid of some of the fish y ou have already. that filter is pretty good and the lfs was right you don't need a uv but it helps protect against parasites and bacterial infections, but it will also kill your good bacteria as well.


I agree with the previous response. You need to get rid of the tang. I was also wondering if you had any plans of adding corals to your tank. If so, you may want to get rid of the Humu Humu instead of the tang. When I converted my tank from fish only to reef I had to get rid of my Humu Humu because it would have picked at all the corals. Either way, the tang will eventually get too big for the 75.


I think when you cant see anymore open water, THEN you have too many fish.
just kiddin.
I wouldnt add any more. you probably have too many right now if youre going to think about the good of the fish and the stability of the ecosystem.