How many fish per gallon???


I was wondering how many fish I can house in my 65 Gallon fish only. Currently I have the following: Neon Goby, Scooter Blenny, Foxface, Domino Damsel, 2 Clown Fish, Coral Beauty. Am I pushing it and also what type of fish would anyone recommend (I want to keep my tank as peaceful as possible)? I plan on upgrading to a 90 Gallon next year.


Originally Posted by brandib
I was wondering how many fish I can house in my 65 Gallon fish only. Currently I have the following: Neon Goby, Scooter Blenny, Foxface, Domino Damsel, 2 Clown Fish, Coral Beauty. Am I pushing it and also what type of fish would anyone recommend (I want to keep my tank as peaceful as possible)? I plan on upgrading to a 90 Gallon next year.
THat depends on who you talk to...
SOme say 1 inch per gallon, some say 1 inch per 3 gallons, and some say base it solely on the parameters.
A safe bet if you are new would probably be around 21-22 inches of fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
I was wondering how many fish I can house in my 65 Gallon fish only. Currently I have the following: Neon Goby, Scooter Blenny, Foxface, Domino Damsel, 2 Clown Fish, Coral Beauty. Am I pushing it and also what type of fish would anyone recommend (I want to keep my tank as peaceful as possible)? I plan on upgrading to a 90 Gallon next year.
Fish per gallon is a very common misconception, Each fish should be treated on a "case by case" situation. pending on tanks size, fish type, specific fish requirements and most of all compatability.