how many fish to order for my 220 on the first shipment


IT should be finished cycling in about 2 weeks or so and i was just wondering how many fish will be safe and not a over kill at first,
HEre is my list
snowflake eel
pair of blue throats
porky puffer
stars and stripes pufferl
orange angler
purple tang
emperior angel
and maybe a miniatus grouper or banana wrasse.
Thats probably the order i want to put them in the tank 200.


take it slow... add the eel first... wait a few weeks
then bluethroats (both is fine) wait a few weeks
anger, and maybe a puffer wait a few weeks
the tang and angel i would add at the same time. You will ahve a heavy bioload when they are full grown, and most of those fish are very very messy eaters. Take it slow and you shouldn't have a problem :)


Active Member
Definitely take it slow. In the beginning months, my rule of thumb is every 3 weeks you can add a new fish (or pair if it is something like a pair of blue throats).


Allright. I was thinking would a snowflake eel or Zebra morey eat a Small Angler cause if so i am taking it off my list. Also which eel do you think would be better. Im thinking the zebra cause its more agressive. Thanks


its a chance with the angler. There are many people on here and other boards who have had success. I would say go for it if you want one. If its a baby snowflake, and a baby angler there shouldn't be a problem. I would get the snowflake. The fish you have listed arn't to aggressive in nature. Plus the snowflake doesn't get as big


alright. i guess you are right. Plus the snowflake is alot cheaper and i think it has better color. Thanks.