how many fish


New Member
i just set up a 90g salt water tank i'm in the 4th week of cycle. how many fish can i put in this tank.i have a clown trigger,pink tail and 4 damsels not sure if i will keep the damsels


New Member
I don't know how many fish you can have in your tank, but since you're only on your 4th week of cycle, I'd suggest slowing down a bit. As everyone here says, read read read. And above all, have patience!


Active Member
Do you use LR or LS/
If you are, this will help you to keep a few more fish, I don't off hand remember the rule, but there is a rule of thumb to use in figuring # of fish( in inches per gallon), I'll see if I can find it for you nd get back later, if someone else doesn't reply first, another thing, is this tank going to be an aggressive tank(if so, you may want to make sure you have adequate filtration, they ae very messy)
BUT YES, slow down, please


take pics of your pink tail and trigger. they wont last long. And lose the idea of getting rid of the damsel's they will more likely out live the trigger and the pink for sure! :rolleyes: sorry.. but you cant rush into it. If I was you I would take the trigger back and get a store credit. That should buy you about 5 damsels and a bunch of astreas (snails) and hermits. much better for cycling. and they will help your intitial hair algae problem that you will see next weeks sometime. I promise.. you will have an algae problem next week. hate to be the barrer of bad news.. but its gonna happen. :( :rolleyes: :(


Active Member
ok, the general rule is 1 inch per 5 gallons of water, but a properly set up system with LR,LS and a SKIMMER, can go as far as 1 inch per 2 gallons OF WATER, remember, this is just a guide, amny things can make a difference here, obviously larger fish will affect the ratio sme, but aggressive feeders, should be given special consideration, for they make bigger messes, which your filtration needs to clean up, exceeding your tanks capacity could and probably will be very detrimental
HTH and good luck
Oh yeah, consider his advice about the trigger, when they get larger they get very aggressiv, which is cool, but, hard to give roommates, besides, they should have at least a 135(MINIMUM)gal;
and contrary to prior belief SW fish do NOT grow to fit your tank, they will grow anyhow