How many have pronounced anemone wrong?


New Member
This was when I got started a few years back and went to the fish store and asked about the clownfish and heard about their relationships with anemones. So I asked the guy "So can clownfish survive without the presence of 'a-ne-mones'?
With a straight face (probably laughing inside) he said "You mean a-nem-o-nees?"
I felt so stupid.
So how many of you though it was a-ne-mones?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
My Husband calls them "an-enemies." Messes me up every time.

LOL I do the same thing sometimes! My mother and girlfriend laugh whenever I do it.


I grew up thinking they were anenemies. I had to train my mind to remember "money" (not to hard), so I would remember a-ne-money. :thinking:


I Did -- I am guilty. My friends then ask me, "haven't you seen Finding Nemo?" I say no. Some of my friends are not even into salt water and they pronounced it right the first time!
I haven't seen that movie yet, but played the xbox game and saw where Nemo - or was it Nemo's dad that pronounced it ane - mo - ne !! lol