How many of you guys have one of these!


Just thought I'd share, I've had him for about a year, when he was just a little baby puffer.. Back when I had a freshwater tank.. I think he's much happier in a salt water tank.. I think it's quite impressive that he can survive in both..
Oh and I know my rock looks like poop! lol I'm working on it.. lol
The yellow fish is an orange shoulder (juvi)



Active Member
i had two of them for about 2 1/2 years. loved the little guys. they would thump the lid of the tank if you were close by and didn't notice them. they used to let my wife pet them all the time.


I seen them in my pet store, i didnt know they can live in both waters, do they have teeth and grow fast? I would love to have one. really cute


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
I seen them in my pet store, i didnt know they can live in both waters, do they have teeth and grow fast? I would love to have one. really cute
they need to be in brackish water but can be slowly acclinated into a saltwater tank (keep in mind that you can only raise the specific gravity by 0.002 within a 24 hour period so this will be a slow acclimation process)
they have teeth that are fuzed together to form a beak. you need to feed them crustations to keep their teeth filed down. 1 per 20 gallons of tank and they are slow growers.


yeah, before i got into sw, i had a brackish tank, i had a little puffer and a knight goby, well i dumped the big bag of salt in because i was switching to sw, and they both survived, both are now dead now, but im so tempted to go and buy some of these brackish puffers and put them in my tank