How many of you Quarantine Corals? Any ICH?


Is it necessary?
I have a fellow hobbyist that is selling some of his corals. i.e. Frogspawns, birdsnests...
At the moment, my 10 gallon QT tank is being used by 3 fish in hypo right now.
If I buy these corals from him, do I have to QT the corals for 3 weeks?
I do not have room or another tank at the moment.
And I don't want to pass up the good deals on his corals.
I'm just afraid of introducing Ick in my tank.
Have anyone get Ick in their tanks by introducing new corals withOUT QTin'g?
Please respond at your ealiest convenience.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Garychef1
i do not QT anything.
Uhhh, wait till you get a batch of zoanthid spyders
,(and I hope you never do) that will change your mind
. I used to just throw things in as well and never have had a problem, some of my fellow reefers have not been as lucky.
first off what type of coral are you going to be trading? also is your fellow tank mate know to have outbreaks in there tank? That case i would! Where I get everything from I do trust big time... and I just acclimate whatever i'm putting in.


Active Member
I am going to have a QT for fish and a seperate QT for corals. I dont want to take any risks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Why do you need to QT corals also?
Red Bugs, Flatworms, AEFW, ect. Any pest that attack or attached to coral that you don't want to be introduced in a DT. Dip them at a minimum if you don't quarentine and dip.....

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Red Bugs, Flatworms, AEFW, ect. Any pest that attack or attached to coral that you don't want to be introduced in a DT. Dip them at a minimum if you don't quarentine and dip.....

I didnt understand this part. "Dip them at a minimum if you don't quarentine and dip....." Dip them in what?


Active Member
Dip and treat before you put them in otherwise deal with the problem after it has infected your DT. Not easy to do in a DT....
I have heard TMPCC is good for all except red bugs
Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure
Salifert Flatworm EXIT - I have used more than once for Flatworms- But they take a licking and keep on ticking. They have always shown back up after time (at least 1 has lived through DT treatment each time). They came in on a Acro frag that I didn't pre treat...
Interceptor - For red bugs - have to get a presciption from a Vet. Look up the price on the internet. It's about $80-$100 for a treatment amount reccomended. You can only treat in a QT tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Dip and treat before you put them in otherwise deal with the problem after it has infected your DT. Not easy to do in a DT....
I have heard TMPCC is good for all except red bugs
Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure
Salifert Flatworm EXIT - I have used more than once for Flatworms- But they take a licking and keep on ticking. They have always shown back up after time (at least 1 has lived through DT treatment each time). They came in on a Acro frag that I didn't pre treat...
Interceptor - For red bugs - have to get a presciption from a Vet. Look up the price on the internet. It's about $80-$100 for a treatment amount reccomended. You can only treat in a QT tank.

$80-$100 for 1 treatment!!! The treatment coust more than all my corals put together lol.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
$80-$100 for 1 treatment!!! The treatment coust more than all my corals put together lol.
It will cost much more when you loose all of your corals. Dip corals to prevent the undesireables listed above. Nasty parasites come out of the ocean. Your display should be a sterile environment. QT anything that comes with a hard surface, including anemones attached to a piece of rock for at least three weeks. We are not trying to make this hobby difficult, but if you do not quarantine and prevent then you will have to treat. Trust me when I say that an ounce of prevention goes a LONG way!!!!!!

al mc

Active Member
I agree..Quarantine for 3 weeks. All you should need is a small tank (15-20g)
a hob filter, single power head ,and an inexpensive t5 light.


Originally Posted by tranman777
Is it necessary?
I have a fellow hobbyist that is selling some of his corals. i.e. Frogspawns, birdsnests...
At the moment, my 10 gallon QT tank is being used by 3 fish in hypo right now.
If I buy these corals from him, do I have to QT the corals for 3 weeks?
I do not have room or another tank at the moment.
And I don't want to pass up the good deals on his corals.
I'm just afraid of introducing Ick in my tank.
Have anyone get Ick in their tanks by introducing new corals withOUT QTin'g?
Please respond at your ealiest convenience.
You won't introduce ich into your tank from coral, you can introduce the previous posters pests, you can make your own dip, on zoa's the most effective way to rid pests is selter water, followed by a dip in about a gal or aquarium water with 40 drops of lugols, and a few drops of FW Exit. you really should dip everything and quarantine...its not worth wiping out your tank over a "good" deal

al mc

Active Member
ICH is can introduce it with corals. It can be harbored on any porous surface, such as the rock that the coral comes attached as many have indicated here.. QT corals, if possible.


Active Member
yeah i learn the hard way. i dealt w ick 2 weeks ago. it want fun. it was costly and time consuming.


Originally Posted by Al Mc
ICH is can introduce it with corals. It can be harbored on any porous surface, such as the rock that the coral comes attached as many have indicated here.. QT corals, if possible.
this is true, there is an ongoing argument that ich is present everywhere, its just when a fish gets stressed that it has a chance to take advantage of an unwell fish.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
this is true, there is an ongoing argument that ich is present everywhere, its just when a fish gets stressed that it has a chance to take advantage of an unwell fish.
Ich is introduced via any hard surface including corals. Fish can fight the parasite if their immune system is strong. They cannot fight forever though. A display tank should be treated as a sterile environment. If EVERYTHING is quarantined then ich will never enter the display.


If EVERYTHING is quarantined then ich will never enter the display.
Exactly and not just for Ich but Marine Velvet, I do quarantine everything, but did not quarantine Snails once and Yes, I introduced Marine Velvet into my tank, I lost one of my 7 year old clown fish to that .... The worst part of it all............... I Knew Better!

Quarantine Everything wet.