how many of yous guys use deep sand beds?


do you use a deep sand bed in your tank or not?
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do you really think they help with nitrates?

old hermit

i added a dsb and a refugium and my trates have went from 100 ppm to 40 in 2 mo. so something is removing them. im just doing regular water changes so i dont think that did it, it didnt before.

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I believe that a well established DSB with a diversity of micro fauna along with quality LR is the foundation of a good reef system. It is in my opinion the basis of the filtration system. I use both a DSB and LR combined with a low flow refugium as the only means of filtration on my reef. Nitrates have been non-detectable for nearly 8 months so I've come to believe that something is doing its job!!! :cool:


I have a DSB with a Plenum in my 50, 55 & 150. When I started my 150 tank 3 years ago (rock was on the glass with very little CC) I had a very large Nitrate problem. Last year I tore the whole thing apart and replaced it with 5 inches of sand with a plenum. I test for Nitrates about once a month but have yet to be able to detect any in any of my setups. (All have been running for a little more than a year)
I would definately say that the combo DSB with Plenum has helped!


Active Member
I have always used the DSB. It kept my nitrates down really good, never had a problem with the nitrates at all.


Active Member
you know i do, and i have also tried cc and cs with and without a ugf, dsb is the only way i'd do it again


Active Member
I just switched to one today in my 75 gal. I've never had nitrates in my water at all, they've never been detectable, but I switched because I was told it would look better, and just in case I ever did have a nitrate problem.


How deep is your sand? I have mostly Nature's ocean $$$ and the sandbed is a little over 2". This is NOT a dsb, correct? Do I still get some dsb benefits? Planning on adding as $$$ come in.
I still need:
More Sand
A Good P/S
Some more critters for my sand bed (
and that's BEFORE I work on lighting... corals...


mine's only a couple inches, but my goby keeps it all churned up. some spots are bare on the bottom of my tank. on my next tank, i was trying to decide if i was going to put my goby in it or go with a dsb of 4 inches. i like the fact my sand is clean now, but would like the dsb if it reduces nitrates like it's supposed to.


Have a 6-7 inch dsb with the top 2 inches Fiji Live sand and the bottom 5 pink samoa sand..Also have about 5 inches deep in the refugium with the only flow coming into it from the output of my skimmer. Tank has only been up about 4 months now but I feed heavily according to some..At least once every other day..Brine, bloodworms,krill,micro algae, formula one and two..I have 3fish, purple tang, blue hippo tang and a flame angel..About a dozen crabs and dozen and a half snails along with one orange star..I test my nitrates and they don't read on either kit..Salifert and Seatest.. Only due about 4 gallons water change a month..Waiting for the tank to age alittle before adding any stonies...Otherwise everything looks very good..