How many pairs of shoes do you own?

darthtang 2

List them.
This question is for men only, this site doesn't have the bandwidth to handle the women answering this question.


Active Member
Yup, good thing I can't answer. I own way too many shoes and have a dedicated shoe closet.


Active Member
Regular hiking boots
Steel toe hiking boots for wearing at work
Brown leather boots for slightly dressier occasions
Skechers brown leather shoes
Sneakers that I never wear
Black dress shoes
Snow boots


Active Member
I've actually been cutting back on the amount of times i wear dresses ... call it a work in progress.
big (seeing a therapist) arn

darthtang 2


I've actually been cutting back on the amount of times i wear dresses ... call it a work in progress.

big (seeing a therapist) arn
Your last check bounced by the way. If two men with jersey accents and baseball bats show up at your door...don't worry...they are my business partners.

darthtang 2


Because some men don't sit in the basement reading message boards all day eating hot pockets.
Did you get those windows installed yet......


Active Member
Originally Posted by darthtang 2 http:///forum/thread/384095/how-many-pairs-of-shoes-do-you-own#post_3363699
Originally Posted by bigarn
I've actually been cutting back on the amount of times i wear dresses ... call it a work in progress.
big (seeing a therapist) arn
Your last check bounced by the way. If two men with jersey accents and baseball bats show up at your door...don't worry...they are my business partners.
And they are probably family to me.
big (you ain't from jersey) arn