How many people actually do these?


Just wondering how many people actually practive freshwater and/or other dips for new fish and/or corals? I've read many books and many say that it is a must or at a minimum quarantine any new purchases for a week or two. How many people perform these?
To quarantine a fish requires another tank, with adequate filtration, lighting etc....
To dip fish/corals just seems like it would stress them out...


I don't know about freshwater dips on all new fish, but it is a good idea to quarantine newcomers. I usually try to by my hospital tank is only a 10 gallon so I can't always do this.


So you have a hospital tank... this is basically a full "seperate" salt system. The filter, the water changes, adequate lighting, live rock and/or sand, testing of pH, water etc.... holy ton of work... I thought that this may be one of those people don't practice what they preach kinda thing.... I know a few people who don't have two tanks and never do dips...


Active Member
I have never had a quarantine tank. I do a very close inspection before the purchase and again before placing the fish in the tank.
As for dips, I have dipped my LR in freshwater before to chase out bristle worms.
And I have dipped my open brain in iodine after finding bristle worms try to dig under the flesh and cause the flesh to seperate a little from the skeleton. The open brain is all better now.


Active Member
I'd say very few people don't quarantine their fish when they first get them. I'd also say very few people do freshwater dips on healthy fish. I'd think that could stress a fish out a little.


Active Member
also... you don't put LR or LS in a quarantine or HS tank. I spent about $40 or $50 on my 10 gallon hosp/quarantine tank. The tank was 7.33. The powerhead/filter was 19.99 and the thermometer was 9.99. That's all... you don't need special lighting or anything....all u need is some saltwater and a way to get the water moving and a way to keep the water at the proper temp.