How many people have a 29 gallon?


me too, but I think I am stating to have problems with lighting and such.
when I bought it, It was fresh water , but i made a saltwater tank out of it I cant find flat tops or lighting systems to fit with the overflow filter.
any suggestions would help...


i had one 29 reef and when i went on vacation everything got wiped out as my neighbour taking care of it (aircondition was turned off and water temp was 110). since i don't have chiller everything was gone when i got back. now it is setup as FOWLR.
wish i had pics of it. it was over year old.


Active Member
My first SW tank was a 29g Via Aqua 420. It's a good tank. I still have it filled, but it is unused at the moment, trying to figure out what to do with it next.