how many pounds of liverock?


how many pounds of life rock would i need for a 90 gallon reef tank i want it really full but still quite a bit of swiming room for the fish.
I have 150plus... in my 75gl...... 50lbs of fiji, and I made about 80lbs of argocrete rocks that is all becoming live as we write... I dont personally think there's a rule for the live rock. U can put as many lbs as u desirre. Do it how u feel. Or think of how the fish would like it or the envoirment it actually came from. "Like if u want mandarins u need a lot of live rock" Build the tank for the situation. My other 90gl has eels and puffer and I don have a lot of rocks!


Active Member
it is hard to say as some rocks are high in density and weigh a lot and other rocks are very light .....
I'd say a good mix that fills your tank nicely. And I would suggest a mix to get more bio diversity in your tank ....
Personally in my 20 I have:
Tonga Ridge
Tonga Branch
Marshall Islands
Hawaiian Island Base Rock
Aragocrete home made rock....


I have larger fish which need more swimming room so in my 125 I have approx 125 lbs with a lot of open holes for swimming thru. Purchase what you think may be a little short (if from a lfs) arrange it in the tank then get more if you need it. if you order from online choose an amount you think might be close to your needs. In the end go by the look your after, don't worry about a number :)