How many pounds...

fla. keys

If I have a 75 gal tank, what would be an appropriate amount of live rock in pounds to put in for a suitable reef set-up?????
Thank you for any advice in advance.


Ususally 1 - 2 lbs per gallon, I have 55lbs in my 55, and this barelly covers the bottom of the tank. I have 15 in my seven, and I could fit another five in there.


Active Member
Not so sure weight is the best guide to use for live rock. Depending on the type, some are heavier than others. I've read anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 total height in the tank probably provides enough filtration to handle an average bio load. As a guide you can view my 72 bow front and see what 85lbs of Fiji looks like. See link below.


I have a 75 gal reef with about 100 lbs LR, 40lbs LS, 20lbs aragontic. I agree LR comes from many different parts of the 4 oceans. Weights and sizes differ. Remember most corals and polys come attached to LR.


Active Member
we have a 75 with 110 lbs(approx), and want more, i like to see at least a minimum of 1.5 lbs, but a better guide is about 1/ 3 your tank in volume, since there is different densities
however, get what you can affford and want, with lr it is this simple, some is better than none,ane more is better yet, you can always get some now and add as you go too, if hte budget won't allow alllof it ata once, just be sure to add well cured lr to an established tank
also as mentioned, tufa is a good alternative(for part of your structure), and it is the only rock i would use, tufa or base rock, they are reef rocks, from beneath the reef and are mcuh cheaper, tufa can be gottten(if you cna find it) for under 1$/lb at lawn and garden shops, and can be seeded with lr