i just got a 120g and was woundering how many puffer could i try to keep. i want a pocupine puffer. could i get a dog face with it. or a stars and stripe puffer.
In their semi-adult and adult stage in a small enviroment (less than several hundred gallons), large (as opposed to dwarf) puffers do not tolerate other puffers.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
large (as opposed to dwarf) puffers do not tolerate other puffers.
Hmm, does this mean you can keep dwarf puffers together? Like saddle and hawaiin spotted for example?
Originally Posted by Jon321
Hmm, does this mean you can keep dwarf puffers together? Like saddle and hawaiin spotted for example?
I have seen it done before. I am not condoning it, but it is more possible.