how many snails and crabs do i need


i have a 55g fowlr and im wondering about how many crabs snails and other things i need as a clean up crew


No there isn't, and every ones tank and needs will be different depending on stocking with fish can corals. All bio loads will be different as well as feeding habits and everything. Many places that sell cleanup crew packages offer to many critters, up to 1 per gallon type packages. Some will say you need 55 snails for a 55 gallon tank, not true. I would agree with fedukeford's suggestion on snails and hermits but will add that the scarlet hermit is the one to get, not the blue leg ones.
As far as a tank cleaning itself....never going to happen, but the cleanup crew helps as well as a healthy amount of pods and worms. There will always be a need for good old fashioned elbow grease, scrubbing and scraping.


Active Member
I've got about 10 total snails in my 70 gallon display with maybe 5 hermits, 2 emerald crabs and 2 fire shrimp and they do a super job of keeping the tank clean. I do have a tang and damsel that graze on the rock all day though, so without herbivorous fish you might want a few more snails than what I have.