how many snails would you/do you have?


I posted this on a different SW forum, but I guess it must be a low key cause I didn't get many answers. I did some google searching and found this forum, which definitely seems more active! So here goes:
Currently I have 3 large turbo snails and a conch in my tank. I've seen recommendations of up to 10 turbo snails for a 30 gallon tank. Would you agree? What would be a good limit for my tank? I have a lot of rock surface, so I'd imagine at least 5 would be a good start, but I don't want to over populate and possible starve them! What are some of you using in your tank for algea/detritus control?


Turbo snails are pigs, they mow down algae like you wouldn't believe however, because they do eat so much they starve to death in our tanks rather easily to. I use one in my 55 gallon and I'm about to pull him and go trade him in for astrea snails simply because I don't think hes getting enough food. I wouldn't put 10 turbo snails in a 30 I'd probably stick to the one you have and then grab some smaller less hungry snails for the rest of your cleanup needs


thanks for the info, I've noticed they do have a pretty veracious appetite. I'll keep these snails in there then, and perhaps pick up a second conch since my snails have yet to even hit the substrate.


I would say 3 turbo for a 30 is enough for the turbo snails.
To answer better, I guess it would depend on if you want crabs as well.
I like a mix in my tank.
60 G
4 - Large Turbo
8 - Nassarius
8 - Cerith
8 - blue leg hermit
8 - red leg hermit
1 - electric blue hermit
2 - peppermint shrimp
3 - Green Mithrax Crabs
1 - Tiger Sand Conch
Probably 10 more snails and crabs I have missed.


What crabs would be good to team up with those snails? I don't want them picked on or scared to clean the rocks because of crabs. I had 6 red scarlet crabs last year, but when I moved from my old apartment they died (nov '08). I am not sure what exactly the cause was because everything else survived.


I have the electric orange hermit crabs and they do well with each other and the snails but its just a matter of time before they decide to kill someone and steal their home I know! Thats why I haven't gotten any conchs, they cost more then the average snail and I'm sure my hermit would show up cruising around the tank in the conchs shell right after I put it in there.
I have turbo, astrea, nass snails as well as hermits in my tank. I just add a few with each fish for right now that way as the bioload increases the new clean up guys can start working.