I am getting ready to built an oak canopy with 48" T5HO lights in it. I have a standard 55G tank. Right now I am using the hoods that came with the tank and a Coralife 48" strip light with two standard T5's - one 10K and one actinic. The canopy will be sort of tall so the lights will be further away from the water surface (about 10"-12") but there will not be any glass between the lights and the water like there is now. I have enough ballasts and sockets to put up to 4 of the HO bulbs in the canopy. The tank is a FOWLR with about 80lbs. of LR and no animals yet except for a couple hitchhiker stomatellas that came with the LR. My question is how many and what mix of bulbs do you think should be used? Thanks for any and all input!