how many tangs in a 125?


eric b 125

i have a 125 that will eventually be a reef tank. i have a yellow tang and blue hippo tang right now. i also have a vlamingi tang, but i will be removing it soon. could i get away with the yellow, blue hippo, and a blonde naso or powder blue?


Active Member
A vlamingi tang and naso will both outgrow that tank relatively quickly. The powder blue would probably be ok. But 3 tangs in a 125 is probably a bit on the heavy side. If you wanted another tang, I'd consider something smaller like a purple, kole, convict, chevron, chocolate, etc. JMO.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Here we go again what else will you have in your tank. Three tangs in a 125 that’s 41 + gallons per tang with out displacement of water for substraight and rock seems like its ok to me


Another one! I said in another thread this week that this is IMO the most frequently asked question on this forum!
The definition of insanity is to repeatedly ask the same question hoping for a different answer?
I think that is all boils down to:
Many hobbyists love Tangs.
We, many of us, would love to figure out how to have more of what we enjoy!
I'd love to add a pair of Koles, a trio of Orange Shoulders, a Sohal, 1 A. japonicus, 1 Atlantic Blue, a Convict, a Mimic, and a Blue Eyed to my 450 but I'm afraid I've already maxed out (maybe overmaxed) with what I've got.
Sigh! Maybe when I build my big


i would think you've overdone it with just the 2 tangs. i just added a 5" Naso to my 135g tank yesterday and i'm already feeling like i made a huge mistake. i know alot of folks say a tang needs atleast a 4ft tank and any 6ft should be ok for atleast one but i now believe tangs should be placed in something bigger than an 180g.


Active Member
I say you're ok with the 3. Ideally they should all be in the ocean :p but since theyre not and you're not cramming them in a 55g I say you'd be fine.
I have 1 yellow tang in my 90g and getting one more tang.. just not sure which kind.


I personally would not put a Powder Blue Tang in a 125. I have one in a 150gal and I think that's too small for him. I'm currently looking for someone with a bigger tank for this fish. These are very territorial tangs that have dozens of feet to themselves in the ocean. Do some reading on powder blues at wetwebmedia. It will not be happy for long in a 125, I guarantee you that. Once it hits the 4" mark, you'll know what I'm talking about.

eric b 125

wow, i totally forgot about this thread. i've gotten rid of the vlamingi tang. it was a real good fish, though. i took him back to the lfs and they have since sold it.