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fishienessj said the info below is that correct????
3 tangs in a 125 is a LOT
3. your tank should turn over AT LEAST 15 times an hour! My fish-only turns over 18 and my reef turns over 25-30 times! Rees are suggested to be at least a 20X turnover rate.
Power do not count towards this guy saying 20x right?? Do they make a 2500 g an hr pump??? Man it would sound like a boat motor lol ??
My lfs guy told me he has never had a problem with his tanks and he has 3 250's and he turns his over 8 times.. reef tanks
He has alot of pwer heads in them like 4 300 gph ones in each tank.
If I do need more than 10 times what type of under the tank kind are good ones to buy??
Right now I have 4 bio wheel filters 2x400 and 2x280..
He is my tank I have had it set up for pushing 3 months now. Yes it looks new but I am a clean freak and hate tons of crud on the glass..

fishienessj said the info below is that correct????
3 tangs in a 125 is a LOT
3. your tank should turn over AT LEAST 15 times an hour! My fish-only turns over 18 and my reef turns over 25-30 times! Rees are suggested to be at least a 20X turnover rate.
Power do not count towards this guy saying 20x right?? Do they make a 2500 g an hr pump??? Man it would sound like a boat motor lol ??
My lfs guy told me he has never had a problem with his tanks and he has 3 250's and he turns his over 8 times.. reef tanks
He has alot of pwer heads in them like 4 300 gph ones in each tank.
If I do need more than 10 times what type of under the tank kind are good ones to buy??
Right now I have 4 bio wheel filters 2x400 and 2x280..
He is my tank I have had it set up for pushing 3 months now. Yes it looks new but I am a clean freak and hate tons of crud on the glass..