how many tmes a week should i feed my eel


i jst got a baby i mean tiny 5" snowflake eel it eats good (but it is hard to get small enough pieces of shrmp for him) but how many times a week should i feed him?


I bought an 11 inch snowflake 2 weeks ago and have been feeding him approx. 2 pieces of frozen krill each day. He knows that it's feeding time around the same time each day so he goes out looking for food. I'm not exactly sure how much food or how often is ideal for him, but after he ate my damsel I figured I needed to keep him better fed. I read that for smaller snowflakes, feeding them daily is best until they get bigger in which every other day should be suitable. What are other people's opinions?


Its better to feed him twice a weak. make sure the food does fit in its mouth.


I have a very large eel and I feed him every 2 days silversides. He basically eats every thing even frozen cubes. Luckily my eel is very docile and does not bother any fish even my damsels


I have had SFE's and a large dragon moray and i think for a small sfe u should feed it almost everyday if not everyday..but as they get bigger then maybe 3-4 times a week..just my opinion. good luck


So I introduced my quarantined, 4 inch stars and stripes puffer with my 11 inch snowflake today. The snowflake's mouth is no more than half an inch big and I do feed him everyday. he gave the puffer a run for his money during feeding time in the afternoon. Eels lack, great eyesight, well mine does at least, so he must have figured that the puffer was a very large morsel of food because he tried biting him several times to the point where I had to separate him to one side of the tank and feed him by himself. I fed the eel more than I typicaly do to keep him satisfied and the puffer also ate his fair share. Is this normal for a snowflake to be so bold and ballsy towards a plump puffer who he can't even get his mouth around? The eel goes after my algae scrubber on a stick as well too.


yeah eels cant see that well, when i had my dragon moray and food was in the tank he would bump into my dogface puffer and grab his tail and pull him down by his rock until he realized it wasnt food, I had to stick feed the eel at the bottom of the tank to stop him from going nuts.


I most have the dumbest eel He is always bumping into the fish, The fish are always competing for food. He is not witty enough to catch floating food. It has to be the sand and in his face. I even have damsels that hang around him always. What a sweetheart