So I introduced my quarantined, 4 inch stars and stripes puffer with my 11 inch snowflake today. The snowflake's mouth is no more than half an inch big and I do feed him everyday. he gave the puffer a run for his money during feeding time in the afternoon. Eels lack, great eyesight, well mine does at least, so he must have figured that the puffer was a very large morsel of food because he tried biting him several times to the point where I had to separate him to one side of the tank and feed him by himself. I fed the eel more than I typicaly do to keep him satisfied and the puffer also ate his fair share. Is this normal for a snowflake to be so bold and ballsy towards a plump puffer who he can't even get his mouth around? The eel goes after my algae scrubber on a stick as well too.