How many triggers in a 210?


New Member
I've been thinking of doing a trigger tank if possible . I love triggers how many could I put in a 210 and which ones would work can I have multiple. triggers in tank that are different species? just would like to know what experiences anyone has had if they have done a trigger tank or any suggestions thank you.


Active Member
It's been done before, here's one with the same tank (210gal);
The main problem that guy (he's a member on another forum) ran into, was bioload. With a multitude of hungry, meaty-eating mouths to feed, keeping the water parameters even reasonable wasa losing battle. The triggers are just going to continue to grow, and make the situation worse, then it already is. As you can see in the vid, algae is there, and the algae just got worse. He slowly got rid of the triggers and went in a different direction.
Triggers (and their distant cousins, Puffers) usually represent the heaviest fish in terms of bioload in an aquarium. Messy eaters with a lot of food that goes to waste, and not being able to have inverts that help, only make it worse. Perhaps 2 triggers with other fish species, may be a better path.