how many watts for 55g?


i was just wondering what type of wattage would be needed on a 55g w/ soft corals and a bubble tip anemone?


It's not really the wattage, it's the type of lighting you'll need to be most concerned about (it doesn't matter how many watts, it matters how deep the lighting can penetrate, and this is based mainly on the type of lighting). I've heard that PC lighting adequate for most soft corals, but you'll need to look up the lighting requirements of each coral before you get it. Anemone's on the other hand, i believe need better lighting than that. I believe Snipe's really good with this. He did a thread in the clown & anemone forum about lighting requirements that was very good, i'd check it out if i were you.
Now when they say "low-medium lighting", that's PC or VHO. "high lighting" is MH lighting.
Hope this helps!!!


Active Member
I would think that if you had enough money buy some MH lighting, if not I would go with PC lighting about 192 watts probably. I have 192 watts, Pc lighting on my 50 gallon, and I have shrooms, and I want to get some colt coral.


Get yourself a good 4 bulb 380w VHO retrofit kit, price isn't that bad. I had a 36 inch retrofit kit on my 55 gallon and it did wonders.


Active Member
Yeah I recommend if you have a canopy I would recommend the retrofits, I too have a 36" 192 watt on my 50 gallon its saweet and relatively cheaper. I got mine on the online auction site for like $150 total which was including shipping, it was a sweet deal!


Active Member
I have a 440 Watt VHO retro kit on my 55gal and I am very happy with it! Price for retro kit with bulbs was less then $300.


Originally Posted by Jmick
I have a 440 Watt VHO retro kit on my 55gal and I am very happy with it! Price for retro kit with bulbs was less then $300.
Do you have a custom build canopy for this or are you just haning it over the tank. Is it the 48 inch bulbs or the 46.5. I know the 46.5 will fit in most canopy's but the 48 inch with the endcaps will not.


Originally Posted by reefer123
bubble tips need metal halide lighting, pc is not enough.

Not necessarily true, I kept bubble tips for at least 2.5 years under VHO lighting only. I know several that keep them under PC lighting.


Yeah and don't overlook T-5. You could put more T-5 bulbs under a 55 with different combinations than PC or VHO. Basically go halide, VHO, or T-5 and you will most likely not be to disappointed. Though there are some Great deals on 260 watts of jebo style PC's out there sometimes near 100$. Its what I have now on my 55 and I am satisfied though I would not keep BTA under it.