How Many?


New Member
I have a 80 gallon tank with live rock and 6 damsels. I am just getting started with my tank and i will have alot more fish. I am not setting up a reef tank but what kinds of inverts and how many should i have?


Active Member
Wow that's a lot of damsels, good luck getting those little suckers out. As for the fish load, you will want to figure an inch for every five gallons, that is a mature fish length not how big it is when you get him. For fish only you shouldn't have a problem with most any fish, just check to make sure they will all be compatible, and add them slowly over time as to not overload the system. Patience is key in this hobby. Good luck


yeah, be careful with adding the inverts and fish. There are a lot of popular aquarium fish that will eat inverts <ie Lionfish> you might want to scrape the whole invert idea, otherwise do a lot of research before adding the fish to make sure it wont eat them.