OK, heres the scoop.
The amount of sand depends on a few things. Do you want to keep animals that burrow and live in the sand? do you want it to be adenitrificaton bed?
If the answer to the above isyes,then you need a minimum of 4 inches of sand in the bottom of your tank.
Do you just want something ornamental? Then it doesnt matter. You coulduse crushed coral, just a little to cover the bottom and make sure to vacuum it well when you siphon off the water to get rid of that acuumulated detritus.
Sand gets stirred up easily when our tanks are cleaned, it also requires sand sifters of some kind to move it around. Yes, a deep sand bed is a definite plus in aiding the natural processes of life (hows that??) but that is a DEEP sand bed. A shallow one really is pretty useless.