How much COFFEE do you drink DAILY?


Active Member
I drink 2 large Coffees daily with cream and sugar... NOT DUNKIN DONUTS LARGE but probably 20 oz.. Is that too much? But I need it everyday to get my mind and body going.. How about you? How much do you drink? I just want to make sure im not going overboard on the coffee..


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I drink an average of 24 oz. per day. I often think I am drinking way too much but I enjoy it so much.
Dont feel bad about that I drink so much coffee eveyday
I could not even count I even usually have a cup or 2 right before I go to sleep I do try to drink at least one cup of water for evey cup of coffee (both are free at work) because I dont want to get dehydrated or stones which caffine contributes to, wait I need another refill and a camel


Active Member
I made the switch to decaf about 2 years ago. I used to drink an average of 5-6 cups (about a pot) of caffeinated coffee everyday and all of a sudden I started having trouble sleeping. I cut out the caffeine, which SUCKED for a few days, and went back to sleeping normally. Now I drink decaf since I still LOVE coffee and I only drink regular if I know I want to be able to stay up late.


Active Member
I have a large latte from my favorite coffee shop (not Starbucks!) and then in the evening I make 6 cups and end up drinking 2 large mugs of that. I know that's a lot of coffee. I can drink it right before I go to bed and have no problems falling asleep. I'm such a coffee nut that I get a bi-monthly delivery of Gevalia coffee beans.


Active Member
Dragon, did you all of a sudden develop a sleeping problem or was it something you always had, lingering, and coffee just worsened it?


Active Member
Not a fan, and the way my Mom has to have a cup in the morning, at lunch etc, or she gets a headache, etc, no thanks....


I get a large with a shot express in the morning and might have few energy drinks in the afternoon. then it is BEER 30 for me.


Active Member
1 cup in the morning and thats it....Mind you we're talking about 20 ounces of cup and very strong....but 1 cup none the less. I really want an espresso maker for x-mas this year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
1 cup in the morning and thats it....Mind you we're talking about 20 ounces of cup and very strong....but 1 cup none the less. I really want an espresso maker for x-mas this year.

2 fabulous affordable MACHINES!!
#1 for single cup drinkers... so easy, high quality coffee!
#2 EXCELLENT EXCELLENT, Capuccino or Espresso! easy to make with different flavors offered as well
Well, im off to the kitchen for CUP #2 as we speak! lol


I can't drink coffee. I don't like the taste. BUT, I drink flavored coffee from McDonalds, Starbucks etc. I don't drink it daily. Just whenever I am in the mood for it. Diet Coke... that is another story.


Active Member
I put on a pot to drink while I'm getting ready for work. On my way to work I stop and get a triple Venti Nonfat Mocha (if they know me they give me a fourth shot).
After I slowly sip on that I'll get a Mountain Dew from the venting machine. At 2am Large cup of coffee then a couple more small cups of really bad coffee (whoever is making) and then have an energy drink.
I'm going to bed in 10 minutes (or so) and am strill drinking coffee.
Parents give me Starbucks cards as thank yous and my Nickname amongst a group of parents was "Full Throttle". I'd introduce myself to a new parent and they'd be like "Oh, you're Full Throttle the other parents were telling me about" (Full Trottle is an energy drink in case someone didn't know).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I put on a pot to drink while I'm getting ready for work. On my way to work I stop and get a triple Venti Nonfat Mocha (if they know me they give me a fourth shot).
After I slowly sip on that I'll get a Mountain Dew from the venting machine. At 2am Large cup of coffee then a couple more small cups of really bad coffee (whoever is making) and then have an energy drink.
I'm going to bed in 10 minutes (or so) and am strill drinking coffee.
Parents give me Starbucks cards as thank yous and my Nickname amongst a group of parents was "Full Throttle". I'd introduce myself to a new parent and they'd be like "Oh, you're Full Throttle the other parents were telling me about" (Full Trottle is an energy drink in case someone didn't know).
We finally named another fish for the second time ever. It's a White-Tailed Pygmy Angel, he spends most of the day zooming around the 90gal avoiding the wrath of our brute of a Half Black Angel and chasing the yellow tailed damsel. We called him "Full Throttle"


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
We finally named another fish for the second time ever. It's a White-Tailed Pygmy Angel, he spends most of the day zooming around the 90gal avoiding the wrath of our brute of a Half Black Angel and chasing the yellow tailed damsel. We called him "Full Throttle"



Active Member
I'm a caffeine addict. Its a huge basically runs my life. I've tried to quit before, but I end up getting really, really sick for a looooooong time. I'll try again eventually, but not when I've got so many cake orders... I need to be able to function.
I had to stop drinking coffee after the 1st time I tried to quit - for some reason I just can't handle it anymore, it gives me MAD PAINFUL stomach aches - which TOTALLY SUXORS b/c I happen to absolutely revel in the fantastic flavor and aroma of coffee. All kinds of coffee...
Flavored coffee, breakfast blends, espresso and espresso drinks..... I dream of coffee.


Active Member
I had a hard time during trying to get pregnant and then during pregnancy. I switched to decaf during the 3 yrs we tried and even cut that out of my daily life during pregnancy. Man was I happy to stop BF'ing and get my coffee again.


Active Member
i was always extra sensitive to caffein. more than 2 cups in three days and i would get heart palpitations / jitters. it would take lunches at 3:30 instead of my normal 12-12:30...
but alas, working amongst computer programmers that basically use 40% of their income on coffee, and the bosses put a machine RIGHT next to i am, 5 months later drinking 1-2 cups a day. i hate the thought of getting hooked on anything, and dependency but i always loved the flavor. The Dr said it was ok in moderation and it helps sinus / pressure headaches. thinking about switching to decaff as i dont always need it and i would like to keep it that way.